4,921 research outputs found

    Dichloromethylation of enones by carbon nitride photocatalysis

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    Small organic radicals are ubiquitous intermediates in photocatalysis and are used in organic synthesis to install functional groups and to tune electronic properties and pharmacokinetic parameters of the final molecule. Development of new methods to generate small organic radicals with added functionality can further extend the utility of photocatalysis for synthetic needs. Herein, we present a method to generate dichloromethyl radicals from chloroform using a heterogeneous potassium poly(heptazine imide) (K-PHI) photocatalyst under visible light irradiation for C1-extension of the enone backbone. The method is applied on 15 enones, with γ,γ-dichloroketones yields of 18–89%. Due to negative zeta-potential (−40 mV) and small particle size (100 nm) K-PHI suspension is used in quasi-homogeneous flow-photoreactor increasing the productivity by 19 times compared to the batch approach. The resulting γ,γ-dichloroketones, are used as bifunctional building blocks to access value-added organic compounds such as substituted furans and pyrroles

    Energy and Structure of Hard-Sphere Bose Gases in three and two dimensions

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    The energy and structure of dilute gases of hard spheres in three dimensions is discussed, together with some aspects of the corresponding 2D systems. A variational approach in the framework of the Hypernetted Chain Equations (HNC) is used starting from a Jastrow wavefunction that is optimized to produce the best two--body correlation factor with the appropriate long range. Relevant quantities describing static properties of the system are studied as a function of the gas parameter x=ρadx=\rho a^d where ρ\rho, aa and dd are the density, ss--wave scattering length of the potential and dimensionality of the space, respectively. The occurrence of a maximum in the radial distribution function and in the momentum distribution is a natural effect of the correlations when xx increases. Some aspects of the asymptotic behavior of the functions characterizing the structure of the systems are also investigated.Comment: Proceedings of the QFS2004 conference in Trento. To appear in JLT

    Gating of L-type Ca2+ channels in embryonic chick ventricle cells: dependence on voltage, current and channel density

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    1. L-type calcium channels in embryonic chick heart ventricle have voltage-dependent, time-variant kinetics when they conduct inward currents carried by 20 mM-Ba2+. Depolarizing the membrane from -20 to 20 mV increases mean open time from 1.4 to 4.2 ms. Mean open time increases monotonically with voltage. The single-channel conductance, 18 +/- 2 pS, is approximately linear over this voltage range, and the extrapolated reversal potential is 38 +/- 5 mV. 2. In cell-attached patches with five or more L-type Ca2+ channels in the patch, the currents elicited by 500 ms depolarizing steps, from a -80 mV holding potential, inactivate rapidly and have large tail currents. In the same patch, currents from a -40 mV holding potential are smaller, inactivate more slowly, and have practically no tail currents. 3. In cell-attached patches containing one of two L-type Ca2+ channels, currents from -80 or -40 mV are virtually identical, and they are similar to the currents from multichannel patches held at -40 mV. 4. The voltage-dependent, time-variant kinetics of individual L-type Ca2+ channels are unaltered if the patch is removed from the cell and forms an inside-out configuration. In these experiments the internal membrane was bathed with an artificial, intracellular-like solution containing no phosphorylating enzymes or substrates. 5. Cells bathed in 20 mM-Ba2+ solutions and held at -80 mV have currents with an early phase that inactivates in tens of milliseconds, a late phase that inactivates in hundreds of milliseconds, and a large, slow tail current. Currents from -40 mV have only the late phase and practically no tails. However, if the maximum current is less than 0.1 pA pF-1, records from either -80 or -40 mV are virtually identical, and they are similar to currents from cells with higher channel density held at -40 mV. Furthermore, if cells are stimulated before full recovery from inactivation, the reduced current is accompanied by slower inactivation. 6. Whole-cell currents in 1.5 mM-Ca2+ solutions are entirely abolished by addition of 20 microM-nifedipine, and they are enhanced 2-3 times by addition of 30 microM-cyclic AMP and 3 mM-ATP to the whole-cell recording electrode. The whole-cell currents in 20 mM-Ba2+ solutions are also completely blocked by 20 microM-nifedipine, regardless of kinetics or holding potential. Thus, by definition, the cells we are studying contain only L-type channels

    Martensitic Thin Wires under Restrained Recovery: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects

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    A one-dimensional model for the evolution of microstructure in single crystal shape memory wires has been recently proposed in (Rizzoni (2011)). The model is based on the constrained theory of martensite introduced by (Ball et al. (1995); De Simone and James (2002)) and on the assumption that stable equilibrium configurations are deformations lying at the energy wells on most parts of the wire. In this paper we compare the response simulated for restrained recovery conditions (Rizzoni (2011)) with experimental data obtained in restrained recovery tests performed on NiTi wires. As an application, we consider a truss made of shape memory wires and rigid elements, and we calculate its deformation after thermal activation of the shape recovery

    Thermal conductivity of clay bricks

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    In the present work the thermal conductivity of 29 samples of clay bricks was measured and the correlations of the thermal performance with the compositional, physical, and microstructural features of products were investigated. The results obtained directed our attention toward a better understanding of the role played by some parameters (i.e., mineralogical components and pore size distribution), other than bulk density, in improving or depressing the insulating properties of bricks. Among them, the unfavorable role of quartz, Ca-rich silicates, and amorphous phase came out, while the role of pore size and specific surface should be more accurately evaluated in the structural design of materials


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    Il presente lavoro è relativo ai risultati ottenuti con il primo stato d’avanzamento di una ricerca sullo stato delle Sistemazioni Idraulico-Forestali per assegnate aree di indagine comprese nel bacino del fiume Arno affidata dall’ Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria e Forestale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Innanzi tutto, è stata condotta un’analisi preventiva, mediante un database, di documentazione relativa alle opere idrauliche già censite in precedenti lavori (prof. Grazi) con identificazione della posizione geografica delle opere stesse con l’ausilio di software GIS. A questa prima fase sono seguiti la predisposizione di una opportuna scheda di rilievo (sia cartacea sia elettronica) e quindi sopralluoghi in campo condotti mediante l’ausilio di un GPS collegato a computer palmare per il supporto cartografico di base. Rilievi di dettaglio sono stati condotti nei torrenti dell’area del Mugello, già oggetto di studi risalenti a una trentina di anni fa per la valutazione delle pendenze di compensazione (Falciai et al.) che sono stati utilizzati spesso in letteratura (Ferro et al., Pica et al., etc.). Con riferimento ad altre zone campione del bacino (es. Casentino e Area Fiorentina), la documentazione storica ed il sopralluogo in campo (su base statistica) ha avuto lo scopo di rintracciare le opere esistenti e verificare l’attendibilità e la confrontabilità dei vari censimenti eseguiti anche da altri Enti preposti. In particolare si è analizzato il dimensionamento delle opere ed il loro stato attuale di conservazione ed efficienza, confrontandolo con quanto riportato in eventuali elaborati progettuali e nei censimenti precedenti. Eventuali danneggiamenti dei manufatti possono essere derivati dalle valutazioni in sede progettuale, da scarsa o inesistente manutenzione o da mutate caratteristiche in alveo e nel bacino. Per avere qualche indicazione in proposito si è valutata la portata di progetto a partire dalle dimensioni delle gavete considerate come stramazzi in parete grossa e se ne è stimato il tempo di ritorno, mediante i modelli AlTo (Regione Toscana) e Idrarno (Autorità di Bacino). Questa fase ha richiesto un lavoro preventivo di queries spaziali che hanno lo scopo di attribuire il codice dell’asta a cui appartengono le opere idrauliche in esame (all’interno del reticolo idrografico del modello AlTo e all’interno del reticolo “Sistema Acque” dell’Autorità di Bacino dell’Arno). Questa operazione consente, inoltre, il collegamento tra il contenuto informativo del geodatabase dell’Autorità di Bacino con il sistema di regionalizzazione delle portate di piena della Regione Toscana. Mediante la misura delle caratteristiche dimensionali dell’opera si sono cercate di ricavare anche indicazioni statistiche riguardo alla pendenza di compensazione dei corsi d’acqua in esame. Le verifiche in campo ha permesso anche una descrizione delle condizioni generali dell’alveo in cui sono situate le opere e dei versanti siti in prossimità delle opere stesse. I dati raccolti sono stati immessi in un geodatabase opportunamente costruito secondo lo standard di quello esistente presso l’Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Arno e quindi elaborati per la ricerca delle relazioni tra le caratteristiche delle opere e la pendenza attuale dell’alveo nonché la stima della necessità, per i corsi d’acqua esaminati, di opere atte a garantire la continuità fluviale per la ittiofauna (Pini Prato e Barneschi)

    Equilibrium moisture content of clay bricks: The influence of the porous structure

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    The comprehension of the influence exerted by the material microstructure on the hygrometric properties of clay bricks plays a fundamental role in order to control the condensation phenomena and to avoid the deterioration of the masonry structure. The equilibrium moisture content (MEq) of ordinary and lightweight clay bricks was measured and the correlation with microstructure and pore morphology was investigated. The influence of the pore size and specific surface on the amount of MEq was found to be prevalent when compared to the other physical variables. A statistical model was also set up in order to predict the MEq values
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